February 24, 2016

Vega Visualization Grammar

Vega is a visualization grammar. You can read about Vega, its relationship to D3, and the family of tools built on top of Vega in my last post: The D3 - Vega Stack”. This post is an introduction to Vega 2.5.

Vega is a declarative format for creating, saving, and sharing interactive visualization designs. A designer declares the elements of a visualization (using the Vega grammar) in a visualization specification, in JSON format, something like this:


Vega does the rest. Vega Runtime can interpret the specification and render it directly in the browser using either SVG or HTML Canvas. (Or, a simple command line application can convert it directly to an SVG file.) An online Vega Editor that shows the spec and the visualization it produces side-by-side makes it easy to write Vega. Check out the examples in the Vega Editor to see some real Vega specs and the visualizations they produce. (Like this bar chart)

Conceptually, the Vega grammar separates the elements of the visualization into these semantic areas:

DATA The data to visualize
DATA TRANSFORMS Grouping, stats, projections, etc.
SCALES Mappings of data to visual parameters
GUIDES Axes & Legends to visualize Scales
MARKS Graphic elements representing actual data

In addition, SIGNALS are dynamic variables that drive interactive behaviours.

The full Vega grammar is described in the wiki. Here is my basic Vega 2.5 grammar cheat sheet:

Top Level Visualization Properties” (container properties)

  • name (optional) - name for this visualization
  • width - width of chart
  • height - height of chart
  • viewport (optional) - [width, height] of scrollable window onto chart
  • padding (optional) - margins
  • background (optional) - background color
  • scene (optional) - stroke and fill the entire scene

Other Top Level Properties (chart properties)

  • data - data to visualize. See Data

  • scales (optional) - Scale transform definitions. See Scales

  • axes (optional) - Axis definitions. Axes are the labels (tick marcs, etc.) that show the scales on the visualization

  • legends (optional) - Legend definitions. See Legends

  • marks - Graphical mark definitions. Marks are the main graphical and text elements of the visualization.

  • signals(optional) - Signals are dynamic variables or interactive events

data - properties

  • name - unique name for the data set
  • format (optional)
  • values, source, or url - The data (manually entered values, named source or URL)
  • transform (optional) - transforms (analysis, filters, etc.) to perform on the data. See Data-Transforms
    • Data Manipulation Transforms:
      • aggregate - perform basic stats
      • bin - sort into quantatitive bins
      • countpattern - find and count occurrences of a text pattern
      • cross - cross-product of two data sets
      • facet - organize data into groups
      • filter - filter data to remove unwanted items
      • fold
      • formula - extend the data set using formulas
      • impute - perform imputation of missing values
      • lookup - extend the data set using a lookup table
      • rank - rank data
      • sort - sort data
      • treeify - compute a tree structure from table data
    • Visual Encoding Transforms:
      • force - Performs force-directed layout for network data
      • geo - Performs cartographic projection
      • geopath - Creates paths for geographic regions
      • hierarchy - Computes tidy, cluster, and partition layouts
      • linkpath - Computes path definition for connecting nodes in a node-link network or tree diagram
      • pie - Computes a pie chart layout
      • stack - Computes layout values for stacked graphs, as in stacked bar charts or stream graphs
      • treemap - Computes a squarified treemap layout for heirarchical or faceted” data.
      • voronoi - Computes voronoi diagram for a set of x,y coordinates.
      • wordcloud - Builds a word cloud from text data
  • modify (optional) - streaming operators to respond to signals. See Streaming-Data

scales - properties

  • name - unique name for the scale
  • type - type of scale
  • domain - The domain of the scale, representing the set of data values
  • domainMin - Min value for scale domain (quantitative scales only)
  • domainMax - Max value for scale domain (quantitative scales only)
  • range - The range of the scale, representing the set of visual values
  • domainMin - Min value for scale range (quantitative scales only)
  • domainMax - Max value for scale range (quantitative scales only)
  • reverse - flip scale range
  • round - round scale range to integers

other properties whose usage varieas according to scale type:

  • points - distribute ordinal values uniformly
  • padding - apply spacing around ordinal points
  • clamp - clamp out-of-range data to the ends of the scale domain
  • nice - force scale to use human-friendly values (whole numbers, minutes, hours, etc.)
  • exponent - set exponent (for exponential scales only)
  • zero - force scale to include zero (quantitative scales only)

axes - properties

  • type - type of axis: x or y
  • scale - name of the scale for this axis
  • orient - axis orientation: top, bottom, left or right (e.g. right to put a y axis on the right side.)
  • title (optional) - title text for the axis
  • titleOffset - offset (in pixels) from the axis at which to place the title
  • format (optional) - formatting pattern for axis labels (number formats, etc.)
  • fomatTyle (optional) - (time, utc, string or number)
  • ticks - number of ticks, for axes showing quantitative scales
  • values - instead of specifying number of ticks, explicitely set each tick value
  • subdivide - number of minor ticks between main ticks (e.g. 9 = decimal subdivision)
  • tickPadding - padding between ticks and text labels
  • tickSize - size of all ticks
  • tickSizeMajor - size of only the major ticks
  • tickSizeMinor - size of only the minor ticks
  • tickSizeEnd - size of only the end ticks
  • offset - offset betwwen axis and edge of the main data rectangle
  • layer - draw axes in front (default) or back of the data
  • grid - draw grid lines (true or false)
  • properties - use for custom axis styling

legends - properties

Legends link to named scales. At least one of the size, shape, fill or stroke parameters must be specified

  • size, shape, fill and/or stroke — scale name determining size, shape, fill or stroke of a data item in the visualization (at least one must be specified)
  • orient — position of legend within the scene: right (default) or left
  • offset - horizontal offset of legend (in pixels) from the data rectangle
  • title (optional) — legend title
  • format (optional) - formatting pattern for legend labels (number formats, etc.)
  • values (optional) - Explicitly set the visible legend values
  • properties - use for custom legend styling

marks - properties

Marks are the basic visual buiding blocks of a visualization. A mark” is a prototype graphic object duplicated and varied for each data point. (e.g. one single rectangle mark generates an entire bar graph.)

  • type - type of mark: rect, symbol, path, arc, area, line, rule, image, text or group.
    Also, the special group type can contain other marks, plus local scales, axes and legends. See Group Marks
  • name (optional) - unique name for the mark instance (can be used for css styling)
  • description (optional) - desciption of mark or comment
  • from — data this mark set should visualize
    • data — name of the data set to use.
    • transform (optional) — array of data transformations to apply
  • properties - object containing sets of mark properties
    • enter — set of properties to apply when data is processed for the first time and a mark instance is newly added to a scene
    • exit (optional) — set of properties to apply when the data linked to a mark instance is removed, and so the mark instance is disappearing. Seldom used.
    • update (optional) — set of properties to apply to already existing mark instances, when needed (such as when data changes or after a hover).
    • hover (optional) — set of properties evaluated when pointer hovers over a mark instance. At the end of the hover, the update property set is triggered.

Within each set, properties are defined in "name":"value" pairs, where "name" is the property and "value" is either a value reference or a production rule. See Marks for full documentation.

  • key (optional) — data field to use as a unique key for data binding for dynamic data
  • delay (optional) — transition delay (milliseconds) for mark updates. Used for animation.
  • ease (optional) — transition ease function: linear, quad, cubic, sin, exp, circle, and bounce. See here for documentation. (default = cubic-in-out)

signals - properties

Signals are dynamic variables that drive interactions.

For a description of how Signals work in Vega, see https://github.com/vega/vega/wiki/Signals

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The D3 / Vega “stack” D3, written by Michael Bostock, with Vadim Ogievetsky and Jeffrey Heer at the Stanford Vizualization Group (now the University of Washington
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Visualization Tools Built on D3 The in-house family of higher-level tools built on top of Mike Bostock’s D3. Mike Bostock developped D3 at the Stanford Visualization Group, led by

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